Are you ready to awaken your full potential, embrace transformation, embody wellbeing leadership and guide yourself, your community, vision and business ever deeper into thriving?
Individuals, Groups & Corporate
We combine our multifaceted experience of 35+ years in immersive holistic wellbeing, intuitive coaching, deep consciousness training, meditation, energy and sound healing, breath-work, plant based alchemy, shamanic practices and direct experience of building a conscious business and a global community from a mere vision into a multimillion pound wellbeing and food enterprise with a local and global reach, to create a profound and lasting paradigm shift in all areas of your life to manifest your vision and potential here and now!
What benefits will mentorship
bring to your life?
We are here to provide you with practical, timeless, empowering tools that we have ourselves practiced and experienced along our path, and re-activate the pathways of your innate connection to nature, yourself, your purpose, your vision so that you can shine, live in alignment with your heart and soul, live a fulfilling life of peace, happiness, joy, thriving, and purpose and share the gifts bestowed upon your with all, lighting up the world.
Our only intention with all apprenticeships, mentorship groups and individual work is to bring light to the greatness, the consciousness, that is already within you.
Harmony, peace, clarity, certainty, stillness, wholeness, courage, joy, playfulness, health, wellbeing, flowing creativity, inspired action and warm relations is a side effect.
Are you ready embody the gift and medicine that IS YOU, in full wholeness, sovereignty and power?

Seek mastery rather than seeking for the teacher, because the teacher is always within you. The Path is portable; it travels with the student, never requiring grand facilities or to be cloistered indoors within four walls. The places most natural to it are the classrooms of the Creator, the Giver of Life, and these classrooms are outdoors. There you will encounter the brilliant body of professors to be found in the three Kingdoms of Nature.
— Maestro Domingo Dias Porta
happy experiences
“ Joel Gazdar’s got to be one of the most interesting and important voices in food and nutrition.”
— M.R., writer, London
“Joel is a perfectionist and only uses fantastic, unadulterated ingredients in his food. He lives, breathes and eats transformation and vision. He is vibrantly alive. And if you haven't tasted his chocolate, then I am so sorry for you; it's divine. Hugely knowledgeable, and a top guy as well.”
— R.H.
“I have experienced a mind altering and body changing experience that has set me on a path of wonderful deliciousness and thriving. Thank you so much.”
— J.S.
“Words can’t express my gratitude and the love experienced. thank you for changing my life and empowering me to get an understanding of how to improve my nutrition and fuel my dreams and desires for the best life imaginable… and then some!”
— Sam Brown